In this worksheet, learners are asked to half and quarter numbers. The first worksheet is to half the numbers and the second worksheet is to quarter the numbers :)
In this resource, I have created a worksheet that shows different shapes that have been divided into quarters. The task for the learners to complete is to colour one quarter of shape whilst leavnig the rest of the shape blank :)
In this PowerPoint, I have created a brief introduction to halves and quarters and how to find them in shapes. The powerpoint also includes two different activities which I will include in my shop :)
In this resource, I have a created a worksheet that allows the learners to identify halves in different shapes. To complete the activity, they will need to colour in half of different shapes whilst leaving the other half blank :)
In this PowerPoint, I have created an introduction to the topic of temperature, how we can take temperatures and the difference betwenn hot and cold temperatures :)
This resource is to allow learners to practice rounding money. There are two different worksheets that have been differentiated. The learners will need to round the money to the nearest ten pence and whole pound :)
In this worksheet, the learners will need to use their skills and knowledge to the test and spot which character is the odd one out when explaining their number sentences around the subject of division :)
In this bundle, there are three worksheets that will helps learners both identify coins and how much the total amount of money is on each envelope. This activity would be best suited during Chinese New Year as an enhanced provision task :)
Here is a worksheet that encourages learners to look at the four basic shapes of a circle, square, triangle and rectangle in the form of a pizza. This worksheet is aimed at higher ability learners.
Here is a worksheet that encourages learners to look at the four basic shapes of a circle, square, triangle and rectangle in the form of a pizza. This worksheet is aimed at middle ability learners.